Ke Empat Merk dibawah ini fungsinya sama semua, Hanya beda Driver dan pabrik nya. Alat ini gantinya CPU Computer. Harganya yang murah tapi kemampuan sama persis dengan PC Computer aslinya.
Teknik yang digunakan adalah membagi kemampuan server sehingga semua client tidak butuh hardisk, vga, memory, motherboard dll. Cuma butuh monitor dan keyboard+mouse aja.
Nilai Tambah dibanding CPU Rakitan Biasa:
* Ukuran Kecil 20x13x3.5 cm (Casing CPU Rakitan besar sekali)
* Listrik Hanya 5 Watt (CPU Rakitan 450 Watt)… Hemat Bayar PLN s/d 98% per Bulan
* Harga @Rp 1 Juta-an (CPU Rakitan @Rp 2 Juta-an – 3 Juta-an)… Hemat Beli s/d 60%
* Lubang USB bisa utk Flashdisk, KB, Card Reader, Printer (type tertentu/Kwalitas tertentu)
* Ada Lubang Audio utk Jack ke Speaker
Kemudahan Instalasi:
* Hanya 1 x Instal Driver di Server
* Hanya Setting IP Address & Gateway
* Tidak Perlu Instal Software apapun di ThinClient ini
* Support Linux
* Support Windows (Service Pack 2 & 3)
* Support s/d 100 Client ( Perlu Upgrade utk OS tertentu)
* Kecepatan Kinerja tergantung PROCESSOR di CPU (ini tanpa Processor)
* Kecepatan Kinerja tergantung MEMORY di CPU (ini tanpa Memory)
* Kecepatan Kinerja tergantung Lancard, Switch, Kabel UTP
Penggunaan yg paling banyak dipakai:
* Untuk Warnet
* Untuk Laboratorium Computer di Sekolah, Kampus, dll
* Untuk Usaha kecil : Cafe, Kost, fasilitas Umum, dll
Cara Pasang:
Dari Server Computer tancap kabel UTP di Lancard ke Switch
Dari Switch tancap kabel UTP ke ThinClinet ini
Dari ThinClinet ada lubang Monitor, KB, Mouse, USB, Audio
* Hanya Perlu Instal OS sekali saja di Server
* Hanya Perlu Instal Software lain sekali di Server ( Anti Virus, Editing, Spreadsheet, dll)
Minimum hardware requirements:
(Number of Ncomputing Terminals: Requirement)
* 1: Intel Pentium IV 1.3 GHz, 512 MB RAM or higher.
* 2-3: Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz, 512 MB RAM or higher.
* 4-7: Intel Pentium IV 3.0 GHz, 1 GB RAM or higher.
* 8-10: Intel Pentium IV 3.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM or higher.
* 10-15: Intel Pentium IV or Xeon 3.0 GHz, 3 GB RAM or higher.
* 16-20: Intel Pentium IV or Xeon 3.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM or higher.
* 21-25: Intel Pentium IV or Xeon 3.4 GHz, 5 GB RAM or higher.
* 26-30: Intel Pentium IV or Xeon 3.6 GHz, 6 GB RAM or higher.
OS Requirements:
(Operating System: Maximum Connection Limit)
* Windows XP Home Edition : 10 units
* Windows XP Professional : 10 units
* Windows XP Media Center Edition : 10 units
* Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition) : 30 units
* Windows Small Business Server 2003 : 30 units
* Linux* : 30 units (The USB Memory port of L200/L230 model does not support the USB device like as storage device, printer under Linux.)
CHOOSE THE Ncomputing X350 or Ncomputing X550 FOR:
– Best performance
– 4 users with one kit, 7 with two kits (X350)
– 6 users with one kit, 11 with two kits (X550)
– Resolutions up to 1280×1024 or 1440×900 (widescreen)
CHOOSE Ncomputing L Series for:
* Share one host PC with up to 30 users
* Dramatically reduces acquisition & support costs
* Easy to set up, maintain and secure
* Connects to host PC via Ethernet
* Supports Windows and Linux
* Compact, reliable & energy-efficient (no moving parts)
* Web-quality multimedia support
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